Bulk Goods Delivery in Winnpeg

Bulk Goods Delivery in Winnpeg

Delivery Day: Wednesday 5-8pm every week

Delivery Cut-off: Tuesday 5pm

In order to make our delivery low emission, we are members of Peg City Car Coop. We will be using their electric or hybrid plus vehicles, based on availability, to deliver orders. This may not always be the emissions free delivery we were hoping for, but we are excited to support car sharing.

Now that you know, you’re good to go.

ATTENTION: Yes you can BYOC in store! More on that here.

Jar Deposit:

All bulk goods, well most of them, will automatically have a jar deposit attached in your cart. The deposit is $2 for all sizes of jars.

How it works:

We fill the jars with the products you ordered, when you are done with the jar & lid return them for your deposit back, we clean and reuse the jars for the next order.

Either bring the jars on your trip to our store or leave them out on your next delivery. If we are desperate we may round some up but we will email to schedule that with you.

Now that you know, you’re good to go.