This juicy smelling bar is a delightful way to start your day.  Soft and silky, just like your hair is going to be!

Apothecandy sourced all of  ingredients to be responsibly harvested and use some really creative botanical solutions, like infused marshmallow root, hydrolyzed silk, and conditioning from brassicas. This conditioning bar is low waste, ethically sourced, long lasting (probably too long to be a smart business move if I’m honest), and effective.  A customer once called it the everlasting gobstopper version of conditioner.

“How do I use it?”
You simply wet your hair and the bar, and massage the bar into the ends of your hair, or over your whole head depending on your conditioning needs, it will begin to feel creamy in your hair. Set the bar down and continue to work the cream through your hair, let sit for a moment, then rinse.