Zero Waste Shop Winnipeg - inside of fridge packed pull of greens, a small cardboard box full of coffee, cashew milk container, amber howler full of fire cider, small white box full of local cured meats, and the other usual fridge suspects.

PFJ: Aesthetics

Inside look of my fridge & habits. ✨

The inside of my fridge. Opened it, did not move a single thing, snapped the photo, and closed the door. 

Kidding, I ate half a container of that cookie dough in those plastic tubs. The real real. 

I had someone say they wanted me to challenge the aesthetics of zerowaste, well here it is challenged. Did not clean my fridge at all for this, oof. 😬

I usually just toss every single thing loose in my basket at the grocery store, if you end up snagging something like peas that are hard to do loose bring a bag or snag a paper one by the mushrooms. Be sure to reuse and then compost the bag. 

I have some plastic in my fridge, it’s not totally avoidable while balancing budget, access, and time. When I was just balancing a budget I could do it, but adding the other two makes it impossible to accomplish every week. 

The past couple years we have been actively trying to cut down on our in city car usage so we started shopping at the grocery stores in walking distance. We are blessed to have TWO that are very close, a NoFrills and now a Fresh Co. Other favs a little more of a hike like Dinos, Delucas, and Lucky’s. The final mile is a real issue so compressing your errand travel time or walking is ideal. 

There are so many methods out there for keeping your veg fresh but I just am not that person. I would rather make more short trips to the grocery store. You do you, I am in a state of organized chaos most days. 

As for your need for matching and beautiful goods to aid you through your shift to less plastic I always think whatever makes it easier & fun for you. I am however not saying buy all new fast sustainable gear and then glamorize the life. I am saying be picky, be intentional, be thoughtful as you buy those new things. 

Curious how you grocery shop, big haul, little shops or something in between? 


with love

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